The swelling ranks of religious “nones”—those who do not identify with any particular religious tra...
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Contemplative disciplines, such as centering prayer and meditation, have been part of Christian lif...
Named One of the 50 Best Spiritual Books of 2020 by Spirituality & Practice What is materiality?Jes...
Published in the years following 9/11, David Dark’s book The Gospel according to America warned Ame...
Every time a shooting makes national headlines, the same debates erupt: Is the problem guns or ment...
Much of the literature on the book of Revelation paints a frightening apocalyptic vision of the end...
Modern humanity has accepted a truncated, impoverished definition of life. Focusing solely on mater...
"Eschatology," the theological name for the study of the endtime, often conjures up frightening con...
T he idea of hell can haunt dreams and disturb sleep. Many wonder at the justice (or injustice) of ...
Introducing a complete revision of the study guide to the best-selling book The Gospel according to...
W ho among us has not experienced hearing a song that moved us deeply, that spoke to us in a truly ...
In this engaging book, Jeffrey Symynkywicz, a minister and dedicated Springsteen fan, shows us that...
In this inspiring consideration of the spiritual themes in the popular Harry Potter series, well-kn...
This collection of essays from one of America's great theological minds explores the nature and mea...
Holiness and hedonism. Lonesomeness and community. Tradition and progress. Highly regarded commenta...