From beloved writer and renowned preacher Barbara Brown Taylor comes a new collection of stories an...
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"These sermons are themselves versions of that dangerous but longed-for doxology, and they move fro...
This collection of fifty-two sermons shows beloved New Testament scholar David Bartlett at his best...
This collection features sixty sermons by Walter Brueggemann, preached mostly in the last five year...
World War I changed Karl Barth's theology forever. In this book William Klempa presents for the fir...
Our world and our churches are neither sinful nor lost, they are dead. This dead world is the one t...
In addition to being one of the world's leading interpreters of the Old Testament, Walter Brueggema...
This collection of more than fifty of Fred Craddock's sermons provides a glimpse of a master preach...
Com prising the sermons preached by William Sloane Coffin while he was senior minister at the prest...
Comprisin g the sermons preached by William Sloane Coffin while he was senior minister at the prest...
C omprising the sermons preached by William Sloane Coffin while he was senior minister at the prest...
Conflict stories appear throughout the Synoptic Gospels, and although they are familiar and dramati...
African American women continue to confess their call to ministry even when they know such a confes...
This is a collection of thirty-one beautifully written and wonderfully moving sermon-length reflect...