In this new contribution to the New Testament Library, renowned New Testament scholar Beverly Rober...
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In this new critical commentary for the New Testament Library series, R. Alan Culpepper sets the Go...
Highly respected scholar Carl R. Holladay offers an in-depth critical commentary on the book of Act...
Almost from the earliest days of the church, John's distinctive presentation of Jesus has provoked ...
I and II Thessalonians are letters written to the first, and then subsequent, generations of Christ...
Paul's letter to the church at Philippi is a moving insight into early Christianity. No letter disp...
This new, authoritative commentary on the Gospel of Luke epitomizes the New Testament Library serie...
Even though it was written some two millennia ago, Ephesians still speaks to Christians today in th...
""Stephen Fowl's rich volume on this rich letter displays his careful reading of the text that yiel...
This new commentary in the New Testament Library series is not a systematic study of Pauline theol...
The letters of 1 and 2 Peter and of Jude come from a time in Christian history about which we know ...
First published in 1968--and out of print since the 1980s--Victor Paul Furnish's treatment of Paul'...
The letter to the Colossians offers great insight into the faith, life, and problems of an early Ch...
The New Testament's three letters attributed to John have always provided remarkable theological ri...
John Howard Schutz's milestone analysis of Paul's authority shaped a generation of thought about Pa...