In Grace Abounds: God's Abundance against the Fear of Scarcity, Walter Brueggemann explores our hum...
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In this volume of the Old Testament Library, Juliana Claassens delves into the theological question...
Womanist Midrash, Volume 2, continues Wilda Gafney’s unique and imaginative work of in-depth explor...
This volume of the Princeton Theological Seminary Dead Sea Scrolls Project significantly helps us u...
"[A]sk for it as a Christmas gift, and you’ll want to read the first entry as soon as the rest of t...
Is It a Sermon? is an informative and daring call to blur the boundaries of the sermon genre, explo...
In this critical work, liturgical scholar Paul Galbreath brings together key theological insights a...
Step into Advent with this captivating study and devotional, where angelic encounters come to life,...
Let your curiosity flow, and embark on a fantastical journey in What the Crow Saw Below, as the sma...
Prophets beyond Activism insightfully challenges the common progressive narrative that the prophets...
In a world fixated on outward appearances, discover the joy of cultivating an inward relationship w...
God’s Gift of Generosity is ideal for pastors who must engage in one of the most uncomfortable task...
In this new contribution to the New Testament Library, renowned New Testament scholar Beverly Rober...
Many people are aware of the injustices Black Americans have suffered over the centuries but feel p...
"An urgent and passionate commentator, [John Pavlovitz] lives in the tension between despair and ho...