In a world fixated on outward appearances, discover the joy of cultivating an inward relationship w...
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Beloved preacher and writer Anna Carter Florence brings winsome insight to an array of characters a...
A 2023 Indies Award Finalist"In this book, Erickson’s steps don’t lead to grand cathedrals but to t...
For nearly fifty years, Katherine Paterson’s stories have captured readers young and old. From Brid...
Travel with Erickson in The Soul of the Family Tree to learn how the spirits of your ancestral past...
From the masses of young people spurning organized religion to faithful followers of Jesus, there i...
Jackie Robinson believed in a God who sides with the oppressed and who calls us to see one another ...
More than fifty years after her death, Eleanor Roosevelt is remembered as a formidable first lady a...
Fred Rogers was one of the most radical pacifists of contemporary history. We do not usually think ...