Originally published as a series of essays in The Expository Times (a journal for preachers), Willi...
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William Barclay devotes two chapters to each of the seven churches addressed in the book of Revelat...
William Barclay, one of the most beloved of all authors, speaks on one of the most cherished books ...
Concerned that the celebration of the Lord's Supper had become a "ritual rather than a reality," WI...
William Barclay discusses the distinctive viewpoints of the writers of the books of the New Testame...
William Barclay explores the doctrine of the Holy Spirit as presented in the Old Testament, the Gos...
In straightforward language, William Barclay takes us through the key events in the life of Jesus. ...
This volume is a collection of meditations fostering Christian discipleship drawn from The Daily St...
This book of readings, collected from The Daily Study Bible, offers Barclay's reflections on the e...
William Barclay brings to these "best-known stories in the world" new force and significance for th...
"If there is one statement of the Christian Church, it is contained in the Apostles' Creed," writes...
In this book, William Barclay addresses the end time passages from the New Testament to help inquir...
The Lord's Prayer is for many people a mere collection of words that has been repeated so often tha...
William Barclay saw the Ten Commandments as the universal foundation of all things: the basic laws ...
In this remarkable volume, William Barclay draws on the wisdom of the Gospels to trace the last day...