Night Vision: Mission Adventures in Club Culture and the Nightlife (Paper)

Mission Adventures in Club Culture and the Nightlife

  • 9781853119569
  • 224
  • 56.25
  • Paper
  • 9781853119569
  • 2/27/2009
  • Backorder
$ 23.99


Jon Oliver was involved in mission to the club scene long before anyone thought up the term 'mission-shaped'. Here he reflects on the kind of mission that everyone is now talking about - the church going out to where people are, in this case to the clubs and city streets in the early hours, when most churches would be locked up. ''Part One: looks at the changing face of mission among young people, asks whether clubbing has a spiritual dimension and makes the case for mission and evangelism in places that are about as far removed from most people's idea of church as you can get. Part Two: tells some great stories from the front line by others working in mission to the club culture, e.g: Turning a typical parish church into a 'Church for the Night' - a spiritual oasis for dehydrated clubbers, bottled water and pastoral care, how to be a Christian and a clubber or DJ, engaging with young people who have no contact with the church,and more.


Editorial Reviews for this product are coming soon.

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