The Healthy Churches' Handbook (Paper)

A Process for Revitalizing Your Church

  • 9780715140178
  • 176
  • 0.00
  • Paper
  • 9780715140178
  • 3/19/2004
  • In Stock
$ 18.99


This practical guide helps churches identify their strengths and weaknesses and discover what action to take in order to develop the health of their church. The focus is on the quality of the church's life rather than just the numbers attending. There are no quick fixes, no '60-minutes to the perfect church' type of solutions. The material and process outlined here is the fruit of 10 years of research and reflection on how the church can best express its faith and life in today's setting. The material is fully road-tested and has been used in local churches across the UK and beyond.


Editorial Reviews for this product are coming soon.

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