Fresh Expressions in the Mission of the Church (Paper)

Report of an Anglican-Methodist Working Party on the Ecclesiology

  • 9780715142950
  • 0
  • 62.50
  • Paper
  • 9780715142950
  • 6/29/2012
  • 7-10 days processing
$ 25.00


The impetus of Christians to discover new ways of living out and communicating the Gospel is a big encouragement, but it has given rise to number of challenges and questions, not least about new ways of being church relate to inherited forms of church. This report considers some of the major questions about the ecclesiology of emerging forms of church and provides pointers for creative grappling with them, including: how do fresh expressions relate to parish and local churches, and to the overall ministry and mission of the Churches? how and when does a fresh expression become a church in its own right? how might fresh expressions develop a spiritual and sacramental life that respects the past, yet affirms their pioneering complex?


Editorial Reviews for this product are coming soon.

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