Together for a Season is a practical travelling companion for the journey through the Church year. Aimed at all those planning and leading worship and those working with children and adults in groups, it offers a rich array of creative material designed to bring to life the seasonal liturgy of Advent, Christmas and Epiphany.''Drawing on the material offered in Common Worship: Times and Seasons, this book includes:''- an introduction to each of the seasons of Advent, Christmas and Epiphany;'- fully worked-out all-age services for key dates such as Advent Sunday, Christmas, the Feast of the Epiphany and Candlemas;'- creative suggestions for incorporating light, sound, images and other multi-sensory elements into seasonal worship to encourage active participation and involvement from the whole church;'- a wealth of additional practical resources for use with groups of children and adults, at home and in outreach activities. ''There are three pathways through the material: Advent wreath, Crib and Jesse Tree. The book include