Love Makes No Sense (Paper)

An Invitation to Christian Theology

  • 9780334057284
  • 0.00
  • Paper
  • 9780334057284
  • 2/20/2019
  • 7-10 days processing
$ 16.99


The Christian faith is something people practice. The Church prays, listens to the Scriptures, celebrates the sacraments, cares for the suffering, and liberates the oppressed. This is where the task of theology begins.

In "Love Makes No Sense", each chapter engages central issues of theology but remains focused on the Christian life. Although it is a book about doctrine—Christian teaching—it insists that one cannot present a doctrine of the Trinity, or Incarnation, or anything else in the abstract. 

Teaching divorced from everyday life is not Christian teaching. This does not mean this book is primarily 'practical' as opposed to 'theological'. It is an invitation to Christian theology that refuses to separate the two. 

The aim of this book is not to satisfy the intellect, but to train its readers through approachable theological teaching to live the love that Christian theology proclaims.

Suitable for people looking to explore Christian theology more deeply, be they life-long Christians who want a deeper understanding of their faith, new Christians, or those who are interested in the Christian faith and looking to find out more.


Editorial Reviews for this product are coming soon.

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