Consultancy Skills for Mission and Ministry (Paper)

  • 9780334043737
  • 224
  • 75.00
  • Paper
  • 9780334043737
  • 11/30/2011
  • 7-10 days processing
$ 35.99


Consultancy Skills for Mission and Ministry provides a readable handbook to doing consultancy in church based organisations. Many of those who exercise ministry in churches move into roles where they are expected to supervise and support ministers and church leaders in their work. Consultancy is an effective way of doing this and provides skills and theoretical frameworks for both those working explicitly as consultants to ministers and church workers and leaders as well as for officers in churches such as Archdeacons, Superintendents, Mission Officers, local church and regional development advisers or those involved in continuing professional development. Often people moving into these roles are not provided with the specific skills and knowledge they need. Other groups who will find this book useful will include consultants who operate in commercial, public and voluntary organisations but who need to know how to apply their skills in church settings and students on courses in consultancy.


Editorial Reviews for this product are coming soon.

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