Controversies in Interreligious Dialogue and the Theology of Religions (Paper)

  • 9780334042112
  • 192
  • 75.00
  • Paper
  • 9780334042112
  • 10/27/2010
  • 7-10 days processing
$ 52.99


This book provides a guide and critical extension to contemporary controversies in the theology of religions and interfaith dialogue.ááIt addresses questions raised through certain postmodern theologies (which present an option herein termed æparticularityÆ), which suggest that the whole enterprise of the theology of religions, as currently understood, is fundamentally misguided and suggest instead an alternative approach. ááPaul Hedges reflects on how the traditional typology for the theology of religions (exclusivism û inclusivism û pluralism) may be rethought and seen as viable, offering a reformulation of it and critically assesses the main line of critique from post-modern theology, that of particularity, and its alternative vision. Finally, he suggests ways forward and considers how these debates impact on the practice in interfaith dialogue.ááInterreligious dialogue is a core subject in most theology and religious studies courses in university departments and theological colleges.


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