Enriching Ministry (Paper)

Pastoral Supervision in Practice

  • 9780334049562
  • 9 x 5
  • 62.50
  • Paper
  • 9780334049562
  • 3/26/2014
  • 7-10 days processing
$ 44.99


Enriching Ministry offers a more detailed and wide-ranging overview of pastoral supervision and its relationship to other disciplines and fields of study. It describes an approach to supervision which is theologically rich, psychologically informed, contextually sensitive and praxis based. It is intended for those seeking support for their own ministries as well as for those who supervise in the areas of initial and continuing ministerial formation; healthcare; executive coaching, spiritual direction. The final chapters consider the professional development and training of supervisors. This book is aimed at those in local ministry seeking training in supervision in the UK [training incumbents; team rectors; superintendents etc..], healthcare chaplains who facilitate reflective practice or who offer in-house supervision [a requirement for UK based Band 6+ jobs]; spiritual directors for whom there is not as yet any unified approach to/training for pastoral supervision, theological educators trying to meet the requirements of supervised placements, Supervision Practitioners, supervision training providers, those in ministry seeking supervision, bishops and church leaders looking for ways of getting beyond appraisal to non-managerial ministerial and vocational reflection.


Editorial Reviews for this product are coming soon.

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