Developing Faithful Ministers (Paper)

A Theological and Practical Handbook

  • 9780334043836
  • 224
  • 62.50
  • Paper
  • 9780334043836
  • 6/29/2012
  • 7-10 days processing
$ 44.99


"Developing Faithful Ministers aims to support the work of all those involved in supervision and training relationships within the Church. The Church recognising its call to serve God and the nation seeks to equip and develop its ministers to face the challenge of ministry in a society at the threshold of Christendom that is in a mission context. It is a context where both the general public and the institutional church have significant expectations of those in ministry. Indeed, there is now an expectation of ædemonstrable capabilityÆ prior to being licensed to any form of permanent tenure. The demand for more professional, demonstrably capable, mission able and collaborative licensed ministers places particular weight on the efficacy of the initial training relationship. ""Developing Faithful Ministers"" seeks to support those who find themselves in these relationships by offering both models of good practice and sustained theological reflection on what these drivers mean for developing ministry."


Editorial Reviews for this product are coming soon.

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