Composing Music for Worship (Paper)

  • 9781853115240
  • 192
  • 50.00
  • Paper
  • 185311524X
  • 3/15/2003
  • 7-10 days processing
$ 23.00


Graham Kendrick, John Bell and John Harper join other top names in religious music in this manual for church musicians which covers all tastes and styles. They explore what kind of music will speak in today's consumerist, multi-cultural, post-modern society where church attendance is in decline, yet chart-topping sales of CDs by composers such as John Tavener indicate real spiritual openness. ááThis volume assesses the great variety of music on offer in different churches and searches for a way forward for music in worship. A cross-denominational resource, it is aimed at musicians, worship leaders, clergy and all concerned with the mission and worship of the churches.


Editorial Reviews for this product are coming soon.

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