Homely Love: Prayers and reflections using the words of Julian of Norwich (Paper)

Prayers and reflections using the words of Julian of Norwich

  • 9781853117336
  • 144
  • 31.25
  • Paper
  • 1853117331
  • 7/27/2006
  • 7-10 days processing
$ 15.99


A striking book of contemporary spirituality based on the medieval writings of a woman ahead of her time, Julian of Norwich. An anchorite who lived in a monastic cell attached to a parish church, she found inspiration in the simple domestic detail of her life and used it as a springboard to prayer and contemplation. ''Penny Roker's warm and gentle book enables readers to make an 'armchair retreat' using nothing more than things around the house to access and apply the spiritual riches of Julian. Not everyone can get away on an organised retreat, but this is a complete resource for making a retreat alone at home. It is equally appropriate for guided group meditation, of course. ''Each day includes a scripture reading, an excerpt from Julian's Showing of Love, a meditation to read, a practical spiritual exercise, questions to reflect upon, closing prayers, further scriptures eading ideas.


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