Deliver Us (Paper)

Exploring the Problem of Evil

  • 9781853117855
  • 5.875 x 8.25
  • 32
  • 50.00
  • Paper
  • 9781853117855
  • 5/12/2007
  • Backorder
$ 5.99


This booklet focuses on what is probably the most puzzling paradox of all: if God is good, how is the existence of evil explained? Its effects are everywhere to be seen in the world, from individual behaviours to exploitation, tyranny and terror on an international scale. How should Christians understand the problem of evil and more importantly, how should they respond to it? Drawing on the Bible and theological tradition, here is an essential guide that touches on the big questions of good vs. evil, death and judgement, heaven and hell.


Editorial Reviews for this product are coming soon.

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