Do This Shape Style (Paper)

The Shape, Style and Meaning of the Eucharist

  • 9781853114649
  • 208
  • 56.25
  • Paper
  • 1853114642
  • 1/1/2002
  • 7-10 days processing
$ 26.00


"In introducing eight new eucharistic prayers, ""Common Worship"" has focused fresh attention on the most central act of Christian worship. This text offers a wealth of information on both the words and actions of the Eucharist. ááPart one focuses on the content of the Eucharist, from the opening greeting to the final blessing and dismissal. Each stage of the service is explored from a biblical and historical perpective and readers discover how the Eucharist has evolved from the days of the Early Church. Part two focuses on the actions of the Eucharist: the posture and movement of the celebrant and participants, ceremonial, symbolism, the role of memory, essentials and variables in the rite. Part Three explores the eight different Eucharistic prayers of ""Common Worship"", their distinctive styles, provenance, theological features and pastoral uses."


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