Consecrated Women?: Women Bishops - A Catholic and Evangelical Response (Paper)

Women Bishops - A Catholic and Evangelical Response

  • 9781853115097
  • 160
  • 81.25
  • Paper
  • 1853115096
  • 9/14/2004
  • 7-10 days processing
$ 23.99


"Debate is raging behind the closed doors of the Rochester Commission over whether women priests can become bishops. Evidence is gathered from supporters and protesters alike and incorporated into a paper which the Synod then discusses. This volume contains writings by authors who feel that the theological questions are too important to be handled by committee and feel that the whole Church needs to be informed so it can become involved. They present their views robustly, expressing the views of the Anglo-Catholic and the conservative evangelical wings of the Church, who are united on this issue. The text offers the views of those ""for"" and those ""against"", as well as providing information for those who do not know the issues involved. Contributors include Geoffrey Kirk, a parish priest in Lewisham and a veteran of Forward in Faith; Mark Ovie, a lecturer at Oak Hill College and Andrew Burnham, former Bishop of Ebbsfleet."


Editorial Reviews for this product are coming soon.

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