Carey Wallace��is a writer of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry, including��Stories of the Saints: Bold and Inspiring Tales of Adventure, Grace, and Courage��and the novel��The Ghost in the Glass House. She is the founder of several innovative organizations that offer encouragement and connection for artists of all kinds. Raised in small towns in Michigan, she now lives in New York City.��
"A lovely book." - School Library Journal A psalm is a song that we sing to God. Sometimes the psalmists are joyful, sometimes troubled. Sometimes they’re angry, at the world or at God. Sometimes they’re overwhelmed by God’s love or dazzled by the b...
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Una magnífica colección de poemas nuevos inspirados en los salmos. Un salmo es un cántico que cantamos a Dios. En ocasiones, el libro de los Salmos está lleno de gozo, pero en otras ocasiones puede estar lleno de aflicción. A veces los salmistas es...