Cynthia A. Jarvis is Minister of The Presbyterian Church of Chestnut Hill in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The coeditor of Loving God with the Mind: The Pastor as Theologian and The Power to Comprehend with All the Saints: The Formation and Practice of a Pastor- Theologian, she served on the editorial board of the Feasting on the Word series.
Feasting on the Gospels is an all-new, seven-volume preaching series that focuses on the most prominent and preached-on New Testament books, the four Gospels. Featuring never- before-published essays from a diverse and respected group of scholars an...
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Feasti ng on the Gospels is an all-new, seven-volume preaching series that focuses on the most prominent and preached-on New Testament books, the four Gospels. Featuring never-before-published essays from a diverse and respected group of scholars an...
Feasting on the Gospels is an all-new, seven-volume preaching series that focuses on the most prominent and preached-on New Testament books, the four Gospels. Featuring never-before-published essays from a diverse and respected group of scholars and...
Feasting on the Gospels is a new seven-volume series that follows up on the success of the Feasting on the Word series to provide another trusted preaching resource, this time on the most prominent and preached upon most preached upon books in the B...