Paul W. Walaskay is Professor of Biblical Studies at Union Theological Seminary and Presbyterian School of Christian Education in Richmond, Virginia. An ordained minister in the American Baptist Church and the United Church of Christ, he has served churches and university campuses in New York and North Carolina.
In this book, Paul Walaskay discusses Luke's description of the early church, its leadership, and its struggles as a people of God amid competing religious claims. He helps the reader understand Luke and his contemporaries and examines the first-cen...
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Building on the foundation of the popular volumes The Bible from Scratch: The Old Testament for Beginners and The New Testament for Beginners, Donald Griggs and Paul Walaskay offer a new study on the book of Acts.In seven chapters, Griggs and Walask...
Building on the foundation of the popular volumes The Bible from Scratch: The Old Testament for Beginners and The New Testamentfor Beginners, Griggs offers a series ofvolumes based on the individual books of the Bible. A leader's guide and a partic...