Letty M. Russell was one of the world's foremost feminist theologians and a longtime member of the faculty of Yale Divinity School. She died on July 12, 2007, at age 77. She was one of the first women ordained in the United Presbyterian Church and served as pastor of the Presbyterian Church of the Ascension in East Harlem for ten years. She joined the faculty of Yale Divinity School in 1974 and retired in 2001. She wrote and edited numerous books, including Church in the Round: Feminist Interpretation of the Church, Dictionary of Feminist Theologies (with J. Shannon Clarkson), and Inheriting Our Mothers' Gardens: Feminist Theology in Third World Perspective (with Kwok Pui Lan, Ada Maria Isasi Dias, and Katie Cannon).
Basing her discussion on the Bible and today's situation in society and theology, Letty Russell explores what it means to be human. She focuses particular attention on who we are in light of Jesus' own humanity, relationships between men and women, ...
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Ideas of the Christian church are changing, and Letty Russell envisions its future as partnership and sharing for all members around a common table of hospitality. Russell draws on her pastorate in Harlem, her classes in theology, and many ecumenica...
This book looks at the experiences of people with AIDS as a means of examining the way Christianity views the problem and deals with it on both personal and community levels. This book begins by sharing the experience and ministry of those living wi...
A collaborative project of dozens of leading scholars, the Dictionary of Feminist Theologies provides a much-needed tool for all who wish to learn about the growing fields of womanist, mujerista, Asian feminist, and white Euroamerican feminist studi...
This book is the result of a collaborative effort on the part of a group of outstanding theologians, historians, and biblical scholars within the American Academy of Religion and the Society of Biblical Literature. Clarifying for themselves and othe...
How should men and women and God relate to one another? Letty Russell's answer is "partnership," understood in new ways as a relationship rooted in the life story of Jesus. Instead of concentrating on individuals as single entities, she develops the...
In different ways, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all trace their beginnings to Abraham. His wives, Hagar and Sarah, though also pivotal in the story, have received far less attention. In this book, however, noted Jewish, Christian, and Muslim sc...
Letty M. Russell's Household of Freedom addresses concerns important to all those struggling with issues of authority and equality in the church. Known for her work in feminist and liberation theologies, Russell now looks at the question of authorit...
Today, women are joining other oppressed groups in a search for liberation. Human Liberation in a Feminist Perspective--A Theology is an attempt to wrestle with this challenge by making a contribution to the Christian understanding of human liberati...
This book represents a major contribution toward the development of a global feminist theology. The personal histories and experiences of women of African, Asian, Anglo-American, and Latin-American heritage recounted here make it possible to analyze...
In this book, theologian Letty Russell redefines the commonly held notion of hospitality as she challenges her readers to consider what it means to welcome the stranger. In doing so, she implores persons of faith to join the struggles for justice.Ra...