The Singing Bowl (Hardback)

  • 9781848256958
  • 5.375 x 8.5
  • 96
  • 68.75
  • Hardback
  • 9781848256958
  • 6/5/2014
  • 7-10 days processing
$ 27.49


Malcolm GuiteÆs eagerly awaited second poetry collection includes poems that seek beauty and transfiguration in the everyday; sonnets inspired by Francis and other outstanding saints; poems centred on love, parting and mortality.

A further group, æWord and WorldÆ, searches for the life of the spirit in the midst of modernity and includes an ode to an iPhone, while others wrestle with the problem of evil and the difficulty of prayer.

Throughout, the poet seeks to celebrate the world of which he is made, find heaven in the ordinary and echo a little of its music.


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