The Moving Text (Paper)

Interdisciplinary Perspectives on David Brown and Bible

  • 9780334055266
  • 320
  • 43.75
  • Paper
  • 9780334055266
  • 6/29/2018
  • 7-10 days processing
$ 60.99


Drawing upon the pioneering work of the British theologian David Brown who argues for a non-static, ‘moving text’ that reaches beyond the biblical canon, this volume brings together twelve interdisciplinary essays, as well as a response from Brown. With essays ranging from New Testament textual criticism to the fiction of David Foster Wallace, The Moving Text provides an introduction to Brown and the Bible that will be of interest to undergraduate and postgraduate students, as well as specialists in a wide range of fields. 

Contributions include: 
Ian Boxall (The Catholic University of America) "From the Magi to Pilate's Wife: David Brown, Tradition and the Reception of Matthew's Text," 
Robert MacSwain (The University of the South) "David Brown and Eleonore Stump on Biblical Interpretation," 
Aaron Rosen (Rocky Mountain College) "Revisions of Sacrifice: Abraham in Art and Interfaith Dialogue,"
Dennis F. Kinlaw III (Houston Baptist University) "The Forms of Faith in Contemporary American Fiction".


Editorial Reviews for this product are coming soon.

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