Letters to the Seven Churches (Paper)

A Study of the Second and Third Chapters of the Book of Revelation

  • 9780334046561
  • 5.125 x 7.75
  • 130
  • 25.00
  • Paper
  • 9780334046561
  • 3/28/2012
  • 7-10 days processing
$ 20.00


Each chapter begins with a brilliantly sketched account of the city in which the church addressed lived, followed by an exposition of the Letter to that church, concise, well-illustrated and written in an arresting style. His gift of bringing out the valuable meanings of Greek words is particularly helpful. This book will be a boon to teachers, preachers and Bible readers. Baptist Times Done with admirable clarity and most interestingly. It is just the kind of book to help anyone who wishes to lead a Bible Study Group. Expository Times Dr Barclay brings to his task the experience of the tried preacher as well as the learning of the scholar. British Weekly A direct and devotional commentary such as could be used in any parish group. View Review


Editorial Reviews for this product are coming soon.

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