Mill's Utilitarianism (Paper)

  • 9780334040279
  • 96
  • 18.75
  • Paper
  • 0334040272
  • 2/23/2006
  • 7-10 days processing
$ 14.99


Briefly: MillÆs Utilitarianism is a summarized version of John Stuart MillÆs original treatise, which is designed to assist university and sixth-form students in acquiring knowledge and understanding of this key text Based on, and page referenced to, George SherÆs Hackett edition an important feature of the book is its close adherence to MillÆs text, enabling the reader to follow each development in the argument as it occurs. It will be of particular value in helping students to revise for university examinations in Philosophy and Theology and for A-level examinations in Religious Studies. The introduction contains a brief biography of Mill, examines and assesses the importance of the main issues covered by his Utilitarianism, and indicates where they are to be found in the text. There is a comprehensive glossary of terms.


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