Interpretation Matters (Paper)

Postcolonial Biblical Interpretation

  • 9780334043348
  • 9 x 5
  • 128
  • 0.00
  • Paper
  • 9780334043348
  • 1/1/2020
  • Out of print/Discontinued
$ 25.00


R. S. Sugirtharajah is one of the best-known biblical scholars in the UK. Originally from Sri Lanka and now Professor of Biblical Hermeneutics at Birmingham, he has pioneered and developed postcolonial readings of the Bible.ááInterpretation Matters engages with questions raised by students and other conversation partners. Sugi uses an informal style of conversation to complement, clarify and move the discourse further.ááWhile engaging with the questions raised by students and others, Sugi also traces his own hermeneutical journey and engages in autobiographical criticism, a growing field in biblical interpretation.ááInterpretation Matters is an ideal accessible introduction to reading scripture in a multicultural postcolonial world.


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