The Westminster Handbook to Evangelical Theology (Paper)

  • 9780664224646
  • 6 x 9
  • 344
  • 106.25
  • Paper
  • 0664224644
  • 6/23/2004
  • 7-10 days processing
$ 60.00


The Westminster Handbook to Evangelical Theology is a comprehensive critical survey of the main persons, events, controversies, concepts, and institutions of twentieth-century evangelical theology. It will introduce readers to and be a reference work for the study of evangelicalism's distinctive theological vision in its unity and diversity. Roger Olson explores evangelical theology through five lenses: The Story of Evangelical Theology, Movements and Organizations Related to Evangelical Theology, Key Figures in Evangelical Theology, Traditional Doctrines in Evangelical Theology, and Issues in Evangelical Theology.

The Westminster Handbook to Christian Theology series provides a set of resources for the study of historic and contemporary theological movements and Christian theologians. These books are intended to help students and scholars find concise and accurate treatments of important theological terms.


Presbyterian History (Canada) November 2005
From Andrews University Seminary Studies (Spring 2005) "[T]he handbook is a valuable volume with excellent reference material. If a person wants to become better informed about evangelical theology, this is a rich place to start."

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