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Reckoning with History
Add to Shopping Cart 978-0-664-26501-4 Paper $30.00 1/28/2025

Reckoning with History

Settler Colonialism, Slavery, and the Making of American Christianity

A hard, haunting, and hopeful history that will leave an indelible mark and transform your understanding of both Christianity and the United States. Reckoning with History confronts the histories of settler colonialism and slavery and illumines how ...

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Second Thoughts about the Second Coming
Add to Shopping Cart 978-0-664-26806-0 Paper $18.00 2/28/2023

Second Thoughts about the Second Coming

Understanding the End Times, Our Future, and Christian Hope

Various ideas float around about the subject of last things, leading many Christians to conclude that they don’t know what to think about the subject. Yet at the core of the Christian doctrine of last things lies two simple and complementary hopes: ...

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Mission in Contemporary Scotland
Add to Shopping Cart 978-1-800-83020-2 Paper $38.99 10/7/2021

Mission in Contemporary Scotland

Mission in Contemporary Scotland is the first book to fully examine the challenges and opportunities of Christian mission in contemporary Scotland. It covers all of the most important topics and questions engaging the church today, such as the re...

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The Spirit of Hope
Add to Shopping Cart 978-0-664-26663-9 Paper $34.00 11/26/2019

The Spirit of Hope

Theology for a World in Peril

Famous theologian Jürgen Moltmann returns here to the theme that he so powerfully addressed in his groundbreaking work, Theology of Hope. In the twenty-first century, he tells us, hope is challenged by ideologies and global trends that would de...

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Add to Shopping Cart 978-1-786-22183-4 Paper $72.00 7/29/2019

The Cowley Fathers

A History of the English Congregation of the Society of St John the Evangelist

The Society of St John the Evangelist, otherwise known as the Cowley Fathers, was the first men’s religious order to be founded in the Church of England since the Reformation, as a result of the spread and influence of the Oxford Movement and ...

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The Protestant Reformation of the Church and the World
Add to Shopping Cart 978-0-664-26415-4 Paper $55.00 9/3/2018

The Protestant Reformation of the Church and the World

From a distinguished assembly of twelve internationally acclaimed scholars comes this rich, interdisciplinary study that explores the Protestant Reformation and its resultant effects on the church as well as the world.The Reformation extended from t...

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Add to Shopping Cart 978-0-334-05689-8 Paper $35.99 3/29/2018

To Gain at Harvest

Portraits from the English Reformation

To Gain at Harvest celebrates the courage, intellect, humility and passion displayed by figures of all shades of opinion and belief during the English Reformation. Offering insights into the turbulent period of the English Reformation and its ideas,...

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Add to Shopping Cart 978-0-334-05571-6 Paper $45.00 1/31/2018

The Language of Liturgy

A Ritual Poetics

How language works in the worship of the church has been vigorously debated during the period of liturgical revision in the twentieth century coming at the end of what is known as the Liturgical Movement. Focussing upon the Church of England and the...

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A Brief Introduction to John Calvin
Add to Shopping Cart 978-0-664-26224-2 Paper $22.00 3/13/2017

A Brief Introduction to John Calvin

Honoring the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, Christopher Elwood offers an insightful and accessible overview of John Calvin's theological ideas within their historical context. A Brief Introduction to John Calvin discusses the trials and tribu...

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A Brief Introduction to the Reformation
Add to Shopping Cart 978-0-664-26226-6 Paper $30.00 2/10/2017

A Brief Introduction to the Reformation

This readable, accessible introduction provides a solid grounding in the history of the Protestant Reformation. In honor of the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, Glenn Sunshine examines the key people and ideas of this movement. Questions for di...

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Readings in the History of Christian Theology, Volume 2, Revised Edition
Add to Shopping Cart 978-0-664-23934-3 Paper $35.00 2/1/2017

Readings in the History of Christian Theology, Volume 2, Revised Edition

From the Reformation to the Present

William Placher and Derek Nelson compile significant passages written by the most important Christian thinkers, from the Reformers of the sixteenth century through the major participants in the contemporary theological conversation. Illustrating the...

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Reformation Questions, Reformation Answers
Add to Shopping Cart 978-0-664-26060-6 Paper $18.00 2/1/2017

Reformation Questions, Reformation Answers

95 Key Events, People, and Issues

What does "Protestant" mean? What are the differences in worship among Protestants? Who were the Huguenots? What does the Reformation mean for us today? This new book by best-selling author Don McKim answers these questions and many more, providing ...

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A Brief Introduction to Martin Luther
Add to Shopping Cart 978-0-664-26225-9 Paper $28.00 1/17/2017

A Brief Introduction to Martin Luther

In the sixteenth century, Martin Luther started a reformation movement that revolutionized Europe and the history of the Christian faith. His far-reaching reforms of theological understanding and church practices dramatically changed both church and...

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Encounters with Luther
Add to Shopping Cart 978-0-664-26216-7 Paper $52.00 8/23/2016

Encounters with Luther

New Directions for Critical Studies

Encounters with Luther offers in one volume original primary research from an international and ecumenical pool of scholars. It examines Luther and Lutheran theological traditions along with their historical foundations and with a focus on relevant ...

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Moments with Martin Luther
Add to Shopping Cart 978-0-664-26159-7 Paper $18.00 6/9/2016

Moments with Martin Luther

95 Daily Devotions

"Faith is a living, daring confidence in God's grace, so sure and certain that the believer would stake his life on it a thousand times. This knowledge of and confidence in God's grace makes men glad and bold and happy in dealing with God and with a...

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