The Language of Liturgy (Paper)

A Ritual Poetics

  • 9780334055716
  • 9.25x6.125
  • 256
  • 43.75
  • Paper
  • 9780334055716
  • 1/31/2018
  • 7-10 days processing
$ 45.00


How language works in the worship of the church has been vigorously debated during the period of liturgical revision in the twentieth century coming at the end of what is known as the Liturgical Movement. 

Focussing upon the Church of England and the Anglican tradition, this book traces the history of ‘liturgical language’ as it begins in the Early Church, but with particular emphasis upon the English Reformation liturgies, their background in the Medieval Church and literature and their long and varied life in the Church of England after 1662. 

Inter-disciplinary in scope, yet rooted in a literary approach, the volume provides a rigorous study of the effect of liturgy upon the theological and devotional life of the Church.


Editorial Reviews for this product are coming soon.

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