Readings in the History of Christian Theology, Volume 2, Revised Edition (Paper)

From the Reformation to the Present

  • 9780664239343
  • 6x9
  • 218
  • 68.75
  • Paper
  • 066423934X
  • 2/1/2017
  • 7-10 days processing
$ 35.00


William Placher and Derek Nelson compile significant passages written by the most important Christian thinkers, from the Reformers of the sixteenth century through the major participants in the contemporary theological conversation. Illustrating the major theologians, controversies, and schools of thought, Readings in the History of Christian Theology is an essential companion to the study of church history and historical theology. Excerpts are preceded by the editors' introductions, allowing the book to stand alone as a coherent history. This revised edition expands the work's scope, drawing throughout on more female voices and expanding to include the most important twenty- first-century theological contributions. This valuable resource brings together the writings of major theologians from the church's history for a new generation of students.


Editorial Reviews for this product are coming soon.

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