The Spirituality of Grandparenting (Paper)

  • 9781896836867
  • 8.5 x 9
  • 160
  • 143.75
  • Paper
  • 9781896836867
  • 1/1/2007
  • In Stock
$ 33.00


"Our spiritual vocation as grandparents is to delight in our grandchildren. That's a one-sentence summary of everything in this book." So begins Ralph Milton, in this latest addition to the beautifully and lavishly illustrated Spirituality of series. Read a few pages, however, and it quickly becomes obvious that Milton delights not only in his grandchildren, but also in being a grandparent. More than a celebration of grandchildren, then, this book is a celebration of grandparenting, and of the very real gifts it offers to both the grandchild and to the grandparent. Which is not to say that grandparenting is always easy or fun. While Milton shares lots of stories of hugs and giggles, of silly songs and tender moments, he also knows that many grandparents struggle with the challenge of long-distance grandparenting, with the pain and tension of separation from grandchildren due to marriage breakup, and with the anxiety and distress of grandchildren who are in trouble or who are ill. But Milton doesn't dwell on these things. Rather, he returns, always, to the delight, wonder, and love, which come first in the experience of any grandparent; and to the inherent potential goodness in all relationships between older adults and children. This book is for grandparents who are new to the role and for grandparents who have earned their degree in "grandparentology" through long experience. It's for "traditional" grandparents and for grandparents of adopted children; it's for surrogate grandparents and even for grandparents-in-waiting. Ultimately, it's for all grandparents--who are never to old to love, and never to old to be loved back.


Editorial Reviews for this product are coming soon.

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