Faith Beyond Despair: Building Hope in the Holy Land (Paper)

Building Hope in the Holy Land

  • 9781853119064
  • 138
  • 31.25
  • Paper
  • 9781853119064
  • 7/30/2008
  • 7-10 days processing
$ 15.99


Based upon conversations recorded by a French journalist, this book mixes autobiographical reflections with a critique of the contemporary state of the Middle East. It tells the stories of many individuals working for peace and of his own work, especially with children and students of the school and college he has founded. ááFr Elias Chacour, author of the bestselling books Blood Brothers and We Belong to the Land, is the Archbishop of Galilee. Seeing the lack of educational opportunities for Palestinian youth, he created a school open to all local children which opened in the early 1980s. The Mar Elias Educational Institution and now caters for 4,500 students, representing all major religions and ethnicities in Israel.


Editorial Reviews for this product are coming soon.

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