The Circling Year (Hardback)

Perspectives from a Country Parish

  • 9781848257184
  • 5 x 8
  • 220
  • 75.00
  • Hardback
  • 9781848257184
  • 6/5/2014
  • 7-10 days processing
$ 27.00


Open the ancient door of an old church, says Ronald Blythe, and framed in the silence is a house of words where everything has been said: centuries of birth, marriage and death words, gossip, poetry, philosophy, rant, eloquence, learning, nonsense, the language of hymn writers and Bible translators - all of it spoken in one place. This work contains words spoken by Ronald Blythe in the churches he serves as a Reader in the Church of England, and as the local writer expected to add his own distinctive voice. Originating as addresses given at Matins or Evensong, they follow various paths into old and new liturgies, literature and the local countryside. They bring together the author's delight in language, his recollections of farming, his recognition of friends and neighbours, and the hopes he has found in faith.


Editorial Reviews for this product are coming soon.

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