Evelyn Underhill (1875-1941) was one of the most widely read spiritual writers in the first half of the 20th century. A prolific writer of letters and diaries as well as novels and spiritual works, she was a popular broadcaster, speaker and retreat leader. She was one of the most prominent Anglo-Catholics of her generation. á áFascinated with the nature and meaning of mystical experiences from childhood, her classic works focused on the spiritual life. Yet as a disciple of Hugel, she came to value practical Christian service equally. For her, both the practical Martha and the mystical Mary were needed to offer perfect service to Christ. á áHer books continue to be widely read and studied and a thriving Evelyn Underhill Association keeps her memory and influence fully alive. Here are selected extracts from a wide variety of her writings û from her books and from less accessible sources û together with a valuable introduction and commentary. á