At Home with God: How to Go on Retreat without Going Away - A Seven Day Programme (Paper)

How to Go on Retreat without Going Away - A Seven Day Programme

  • 9781853119958
  • 128
  • 25.00
  • Paper
  • 9781853119958
  • 9/29/2009
  • 7-10 days processing
$ 14.99


Retreats are increasingly popular, and in stressful and anxious times, perhaps the need to refocus our lives on what will nurture and sustain us inwardly is greater than ever. Some may find that staying at a retreat centre is unaffordable, family or work commitments make it impossible for some to get away, and the housebound have little choice about where they will pursue their spiritual journey. ''This simple resource offers a complete kit for making a seven day retreat without going away. It is both gentle and versatile, recognising that some can only grab ten minutes' solitude on the way to work or when the children are asleep, while others have more time on their hands than they would like. ''Penny Roker, a religious sister and experienced retreat conductor, provides a complete day by day programme using the seven days of creation as a pattern, plus many hints and tips for making the most of the time given to yourself and to God.


Editorial Reviews for this product are coming soon.

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