Creative Retreat Ideas: Resources for Short, Day and Weekend Retreats (Paper)

Resources for Short, Day and Weekend Retreats

  • 9781848250215
  • 262
  • 112.50
  • Paper
  • 9781848250215
  • 6/29/2010
  • 7-10 days processing
$ 39.99


Time apart to listen to God is an essential component of the Christian life. This wide ranging practical resource offers complete programme ideas - from short spiritual breaks for those who can only manage a couple of hours from their work or family responsibilities, to a range of ideas for whole day and full weekend retreats. ''Experienced retreat conductor Sue Pickering explores the elements that are commonly used in retreats:silence, journalling, using craft materials, reflection, lectio divina, imaginative prayer, music and movement, and more. ''Out of these building blocks, unlimited retreat programmes can be created. Part two offers themed retreat programme outlines complete with handouts which are downloadable from the accompanying CD Rom. These include Quiet Breakfasts, A Prayer Walk, A Garden Retreat and much more.


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