Pocket Prayers for Pilgrims (Paper)

  • 9780715142387
  • 96
  • 0.00
  • Paper
  • 9780715142387
  • 6/29/2011
  • Out of print/Discontinued
$ 10.99


To go on pilgrimage is to set out on a journey that may take us to unexpected places. Away from home and without our usual defences, we become more open and receptive to God.''Whether we go on a physical journey or see our whole life as a pilgrimage, this collection of prayers and reflections on the theme of pilgrimage will enrich our walk with God, encourage us when the going gets tough, and renew our vision for everyday living as God's people.''Compiled by John Pritchard, Bishop of Oxford and one of the UK's most popular authors on the subject of prayer, this little book deserves a place in every pilgrim's pocket.


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