Living in the Gaze of God (Paper)

Supervision and Ministerial Flourishing

  • 9780334056508
  • 176
  • 43.75
  • Paper
  • 9780334056508
  • 11/30/2018
  • 7-10 days processing
$ 27.99


"Living in the Gaze of God" offers an accessible exploration of the theme of ministerial accountability through the lens of one reflective tool – that of formal supervision of ministerial practice. Bold and far-reaching, the book addresses the key presenting issues around a need for a change of culture in the church as regards accountability for ministerial practice. It outlines a theological and practical model of 1-to-1 supervision, arguing that such an approach enables the development of greater attentiveness to God, the self and others and thus enhances accountability. 

Laying aside the need to offer a 'how-to' approach, Helen Cameron instead brings us a rigorous and dynamic consideration of the interface between supervision, accountability and ministerial practice, and offers a theological underpinning for the issues.


Editorial Reviews for this product are coming soon.

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