Faith Presence (Paper)

Working Together for the Common Good

  • 9780334053897
  • 5.375 X 8.5
  • 96
  • 81.25
  • Paper
  • 9780334053897
  • 10/29/2015
  • 7-10 days processing
$ 20.99


Together for the Common Good is a network of scholars, church leaders and activists engaged in matters of social justice. Its first major event was a conference in Liverpool in 2013. Since then the network has developed and grown and its website and e-newsletters have a wide reach. Research undertaken prior to the conference showed that the importance of churches, clergy and lay people being involved in working for social justice on the ground and for this activism to be rooted in the Christian tradition. Therefore it is time for a popular, accessible short book aimed at practitioners.

It is written in non- technical, accessible language and designed to be of interest to clerical and lay audiences across denominations, including those who create, manage and implement social justice initiatives.

It contains lots of illustrative examples of the ways that churches work together and of the range of social action undertaken by churches locally and nationally - pastoral, advocacy, campaigning.


Editorial Reviews for this product are coming soon.

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