Spirits of Globalisation: The Growth of Pentecostalism and Spirituality in a Global Age (Paper)

The Growth of Pentecostalism and Spirituality in a Global Age

  • 9780334040545
  • 240
  • 75.00
  • Paper
  • 033404054X
  • 4/29/2006
  • 7-10 days processing
$ 44.99


This book is a contemporary attempt to answer questions about the connections between the forces that drive Globalisation and the phenomenal growth of Pentecostalism. Theologians and Sociologists from four continents discuss and provide answers to questions such as: is the growth of Pentecostalism a resistance to post-modern capitalism' Does it represent a recourse to the religiosity of pre-modernity' Or, is it a leap of faith into the fragmented post-modern conditions in the poor mega-cities of the world' The answers are inter-disciplinary in approach, using a variety of different critical methods such as sociological, psychological and anthropological methods, in their attempt to use lived examples from around the world in their quest for answers. However the book centres on theological themes common in each of these contexts, as they move to bring out the inspiration and challenges of these experiential spiritualities so far, and too long, ignored by modern theology.


Editorial Reviews for this product are coming soon.

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