Just Mission (Paper)

Practical Politics for Local Churches

  • 9780334052296
  • 5 x 9
  • 160
  • 37.50
  • Paper
  • 9780334052296
  • 5/30/2015
  • 7-10 days processing
$ 35.99


The last decade has seen a resurgence of the social action of the local church —responses to social need have included street pastors, cold weather shelters, debt advice centres and latterly food banks. The last decade has also seen a greater experimentation in forms of evangelism, most prominently in the fresh expressions movement. The intention has been to bring the Church into contact with people who would not otherwise cross its threshold. All these changes have led to new pastoral relationships being formed and a greater awareness of how social change affects real peopleÆs lives. Just Mission draws upon the increased activism of local churches and links it to effective use of democratic processes to achieve justice for the people with whom they have a pastoral relationship. It seeks to explain in a straight forward and theologically-based way, how they can undertake that task based upon the pastoral work that arises from their social action and evangelism. Helen Cameron introduces the political and public theology that is currently being produced to local church leaders so they can see that theology has a genuine interest in the dilemmas they currently face.


Editorial Reviews for this product are coming soon.

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