Human Being (Paper)

Insights from Psychology for Ministry and Theology

  • 9780334049241
  • 5.375 x 8.5
  • 192
  • 81.25
  • Paper
  • 9780334049241
  • 6/29/2016
  • 7-10 days processing
$ 44.99


The book provides a psychological perspective on key aspects of human nature and behaviour drawing on recent research and reflect on the issues this raises for theology and ministry. The aim is to introduce theology students, those studying practical theology and those engaged in ministerial formation or ministry to the significant current research in psychology which will deepen understanding of some of the core aspects of human nature. The interdisciplinary nature of the exercise aims to model the benefits of such an approach for both theology and ministerial practice and as such the book aims to cross traditional boundaries.
The objective is to introduce the reader to new fields of academic psychology beyond those of counselling and psychoanalysis, dated personality psychology and the popular psychology which is often referred to in publications in the area of ministerial practice and enable the reader to engage with recent psychological research and developments.


Editorial Reviews for this product are coming soon.

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