Religion and Human Fulfillment (Paper)

  • 9780334041634
  • 192
  • 50.00
  • Paper
  • 9780334041634
  • 8/10/2008
  • 7-10 days processing
$ 25.99


"""Religion and Human Fulfilment"" is a short, accessible reflection on a series of ethical problems in the light of what the world's major faith traditions have to say about them. Keith Ward sets out that morality is an autonomous entity knowable to all human beings and then explores the true nature of morality. The world religions agree on moral goodness as the ultimate goal for humans strive for. But what other beliefs about morality do they share. The author proceeds to trace the consequences of religious views on morality by considering specific moral problems such as violence, human genetic modification and ethical concerns around the beginning and ending of human life as well as questions about secular and religious law.ááChapters:1 The God, Gene, Religion and Altruism 2. Islam and Jihad 3. Interference with Nature 4. Christianity and Gender 5. Buddhism and Questions of Life and Death 6. Religious Law and Human Freedom"


Editorial Reviews for this product are coming soon.

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