SCM Studyguide to Christian Mission (Paper)

  • 9780334041085
  • 300
  • 81.25
  • Paper
  • 9780334041085
  • 5/29/2007
  • In Stock
$ 32.00


The SCM Studyguide to Mission explores the nature of Christian mission in contemporary post-modern society. It presents a range of answers from the past as well as the present. It lays out some of the Biblical and doctrinal groundwork that is needed before looking for an answer. It examines the main historic types of mission in the Christian tradition, seeing how they were forged in the cross currents of history and how they continue to be expressed by different Christian communities today. It looks at contemporary social, economic and religious trends in society, global and local, listening to the signs of the times. It assesses different expressions of mission in the postmodern context, assessing how consistent they are with the underlying principles of Jesus' own mission in Galilee. In all of this, it seeks to present resources that any student would need to work out their own understanding of the issues.


Editorial Reviews for this product are coming soon.

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