Concilium 1994/3 Islam: A Challenge for Christianity (Paper)

  • 9780334030263
  • 6.125 x 8.25
  • 164
  • 43.75
  • Paper
  • 9780334030263
  • 6/11/1994
  • 7-10 days processing
$ 25.00


Bosnia / Smail Balic? -- Africa / Patrick D. Gaffney -- Women in Islam and Christianity / Riffat Hassan -- Indonesia / Judo Poerwowidagdo -- Islam, the one and the many / John Renard -- The threat of Islam / John L. Esposito - Is Islam threatened by Christianity? / Mohammed Arkoun -- Tawhi?d / V.J. Cornell -- The challenge of Islamic monotheism / A. Gonza?lez Montes -- Human rights in Islam / Mahmud Gamal-ad-din -- The 1981 'Universal Islamic Declaration of Human Rights' / Heiner Bielefeldt -- Is Islamic revelation an abrogation of Judaeo-Christian revelation? / Abdulaziz Sachedina -- Christianity - challenged by Islam / Gerhard Bo?wering - The abrogation of Judaism and Christianity in Islam / Jane Dammen McAuliffe -- World peace - world religions - world ethic / Hans Ku?ng.


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