Identity (Paper)

  • 9780334028901
  • 188
  • 37.50
  • Paper
  • 0334028906
  • 1/1/2002
  • 7-10 days processing
$ 28.99


This is the second book in the new SCM ""Society and Church"" series, which attempts to make sense of the Church and Christianity in a secular society and context, and explore what the former can legitimately contribute to the latter. How do we make sense of who and what we are in this secular, 21st century context of incredible - and often disorienting - change in so many areas of life? That is the central question which this book sets out to answer. At present, in our society, there are major, rapid and interconnected changes in information technology, globalization, work and employment practices, consumerism, and family, all of which have a pressing bearing on our sense of self. How may we best live through this process of change, and does Christian faith propose a mode of living which can be beneficial to personal identity? In answering these two questions, the latter affirmatively, the author develops a theology of faithfulness, which he thinks, like theology itself, has been unjustly neglected in providing answers. White enables theology to speak to a central issue of contemporary life with considerable power and persuasiveness.


Editorial Reviews for this product are coming soon.

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