Voices of This Calling: Women Priests - The First Ten Years (Paper)

Women Priests - The First Ten Years

  • 9781853114120
  • 192
  • 62.50
  • Paper
  • 185311412X
  • 11/1/2002
  • 7-10 days processing
$ 20.00


Published to mark the tenth anniversary of the ordination of women in the Anglican church, this work includes prominent clergy, both female and male, such as Lucy Winkett, Angela Tilby, Una Kroll, Rose Hudson-Wilkin and Rowan Williams.ááIt tells women's stories about the reality of life as a priest and reveals defining moments in their own personal journey. Influential men in the church also reflect upon the challenges and opportunities that women's ministry has created for them.


Editorial Reviews for this product are coming soon.

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